
 How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

To be honest i lost count, lol.
I'm a pretty boy, I always have to look nice. It's just a habit I don't look nice for anybody, I just love the feeling. I'm very conceded when it comes to my hygiene, hair, EVERYTHING. I'm like a girl lol, but I do spend a lot of time in the mirror, I know you do too well, some of you. I'm ugly but that doesn't stop me from looking my best on a average day. I'm sure half of you who read this post love to look your best even on a bad day. I'm pretty sure some of you can relate to this post, and if you can comment! I get aggravated when something doesn't look right on me. I know we all like to look nice, it feels great to know you look nice. It feels even better when someone compliments you about how you look, so I thank the mirror lol. Just imagine how the world would be without the mirror? What would we do to determine how we look? It'd be very difficult to figure out what we can use to see ourselves. we can use metal, and polish it down till we can see ourselves. Bet you didn't know that, but if you did your a smart person :) The mirror has a very very looooooong History behind it. I wonder how many people look in the mirror every year. It wold probably be in the billionths. But without mirrors everything would be complicated.


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