
 If you were given the power to cure one disease, which would it be?  Why?

CANCER! Because so many people suffer from it. Everything related to cancer should be cured! Imagine how many life's be'd saved? So many people lost their loved one's due to cancer. I have some friends who's family members have died from cancer :/ It's painful to hear because there not with them anymore. I would go crazy if anyone in my family had cancer, I'd go insane. And no one would want to have a disease at all. Here's what I say, Always keep your family close because you never know when it's time for them to go, and do not neglect your family in any way because if something happens to them then you are going to regret anything and everything you did to them, memories would just replay in your mind, and you'll just ask your self why? Why them and not me? Cancer is a very bad disease to have. It has caused a lot of deaths all over the world :/ Why did this disease have to exist? I wish the best for people who have any type of disease. They do not deserve any of this in my opinion. -Carlos.


tahji said…
awesome post i agree and it should be a cure keep up the good work lol i sound like mr.lahanna.
missluvj said…
wow tahji lolz and like she said keep up the good work i just notice ...ur a smart kid lolz i soud corny
lahana said…
Thanks for putting so much thought into this post. If you're interested in learning more about cancer go to this site:

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