
Has there ever been someone who makes you feel a different way when your around them? I have someone who makes me feel so, so, down but then happy, and then just like nothing. I just don't understand how just one person can make you feel like your just nothing to them or if they love you or not :/ I'm in a state where that person just makes me feel confused, about everything. I've made a lot of memories with this person I'm pretty sure all my close friends know who this person is, and what we've been through. But some of them don't know what it's like after. After there's just nothing there, nothing to talk about, do, it's just dead. I hate how you don't understand somethings, that I just make so obvious. It's hard to even be around you because there's nothing there anymore. So we're just stuck here trying to figure out what to say to each other, because we're both ignoring each other, but it's hard to be cause you and that person have such strong chemistry. You both know what happened, but only one know's who's responsible for it. sometimes you get mad because you don't know what to do. And you start to act differently in public, you don't want anybody to be around you, you just want to be alone and think, think about what you could've had, you start asking so many questions, so many that there's no more you can ask. It puts you in a even worse state, when theres things that remind you of this person, pretty much anything, where you've been, where your at, even seeing a picture of them just gets you so frustrated, because you don't want to think of this person, but you can't stop. The more you you try and stop yourself  the more you feel like a bad person. How you say? well it's like trying to delete them from your life but you can't because they just make you feel a certain way when your around them. So it just keeps happening, then when you think you've had enough, You see that person and everything is just awkward, you both don't know what to do so you think, "should I just walk past or tell them how I feel?" Trust me the choice is Very hard to make because you don't want to make that person think a different way about you. So you make your choice, you approach and you start to mumble things to each other because you don't really know what to say, or how it would sound. So your just stuck, Trying o figure out what to say, because your both not comfortable. Both quiet standing there, when you finally tell them how it's bee without them, they tell you the same, in your mind you just smile, but then stop because you don't know weather it's true or not. You both go on, and start to get comfortable, then get closer, start to talk about other things, but there's one thing that just tares you apart, You then ask yourself "Should I trust this person?" After all they did? Should I do it again? how would it be this time? You don't know, Both actually. You then get mad because you can't pick, then you start to fade away again. everything is back how it was when you both seen each other. You start acting differently, turning into to someone you don't want to be. And noticing is it really worth it? But, you can't answer it now, only when you get home you can, because when your all alone in your room, you feel like you can't be judged no matter what you ask yourself, You then ask how would I say this? How they would react? Should i stop trying? And when you make you're decision, And do give that person another chance it's not how it used to be, so you try to find different pieces to get you're relationship back to where it was. And when you do, you'll feel like you and that other person can take on anything in the world, But really you can't because even when you get back how it used to be you still ponder and ask "Will the same thing happen again?" And if it does what should I do? You then try to find ways to make your relationship stronger, so the same thing happen again. But if it still does happen, you just feel weak, and feel like you lost everything. You then try to hold everything in, but you can't you then start to change. Change into a person you never thought you could be, a cold hearted one, not giving one single F*ck about anyone. But then you start noticing that your better off with that person. You start doing very well in school, or where ever you work. So, you end up thinking, that it was a great choice you made. To just leave because no one deserves you if your the one who's putting all of their effort in the relationship. While that person is sobbing and feeling how you felt when it happened to you, that's when they noticed what they "had" -Carlos.


lahana said…
You did a wonderful job describing the process of being broken hearted and moving on. Your writing is so powerful and honest. Thanks for letting your readers into your life.

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