F*%K Valentines Day.
Valentines day, A day were people give cards, chocolate and flowers to each other , as if they were together, It has a lot of meanings. But, should we really just treat a girl right just because a date says so? In my opinion , girls should be treated like this EVERYDAY, I mean, every girl should be treated with respect, but a lot of them don't. But on valentines day, everything changes, everyone wants to respect a girl because of a date. Does this makes any sense? To me it doesn't , every girl should be teated like a queen, no matter what the situation it is. Just because every 14th of February tells you to give a girl flowers, and chocolate, doesn't mean you can't do it daily, even if the girls your friend. show them how much of a friend you are, show them how much you appreciate them for being your friend, and that you love them, not because some day says to. I don't have a problem with This day, but it's just the society that disgust me. For example, a girl c...