F*%K Valentines Day.

Valentines day, A day were people give cards, chocolate and flowers to each other , as if they were together, It has a lot of meanings. But, should we really just treat a girl right just because a date says so? In my opinion , girls should be treated like this EVERYDAY, I mean, every girl should be treated with respect, but a lot of them don't. But on valentines day, everything changes, everyone wants to respect a girl because of a date. Does this makes any sense? To me it doesn't , every girl should be teated like a queen, no matter what the situation it is. Just because every 14th of February tells you to give a girl flowers, and chocolate, doesn't mean you can't do it daily, even if the girls your friend. show them how much of a friend you are, show them how much you appreciate them for being your friend, and that you love them, not because some day says to. I don't have a problem with This day, but it's just the society that disgust me. For example, a girl can be disrespected by so many boy's and be put down, but on valentines day she'll get treated like a queen, after valentines day it continues to be the same, just getting disrespected by a bunch of boy's just so they can feel better. TRUST me, i've witnessed this, you don't have to believe me, but when you actually see it don't say I didn't tell you. I treat girls with respect because that's what they deserve, but I also want them to give me respect too. If you don't show me respect me then why should I show you any? I don't have a valentine because I rather focus on my school work then just some little day where your supposed to act like you "love somebody" And I'm not making this because I don't have one either, i'm just pointing out the obvious. Because i'm tried of it, it's like everyone's bipolar now. Every things not how it used to be, a lot of changes have been made, not only in politics but in society, Girls are getting used like never before. I hate to see a beautiful get used, then on valentines day it's different, everyone wants her attention. I hope some girls read this and realize, to just focus on school, and not boy's those things come later, you can be in a relationship but also be focused on school, and make sure a guy treats you like it's Valentines Day EVERYDAY. I hope this post gets a lot of feedback, because it's a very serious one. I Understand if this day is a day is when your supposed to show your appreciation to a girl and give her gifts and such. But stop and think, don't they deserve to have this all the time? I mean, it's only right. all i'm saying is treat every girl the same. That's what i do, that way they don't feel like other girls are getting treated better. I've been looking at how the society is. Then and NOW. It's just disappointing, I mean what made everything like this? Politics? Society? Who's to blame? I guess we will never know, I just want to know why this date is so "special" just because you have to buy a girl something? to show what? Oh, Society, how you can just change so fast. -Carlos.


lahana said…
You're absolutely right. Many people say that valentine's day was created just so retailers can sell a bunch of cards, flowers, chocolate, and jewelry. But as you say, we should celebrate each other every day. Thanks for putting so much effort into this post.
Anonymous said…
damn i feel you but girls are sometimes you know i just cant describe it
ajimenez188 said…
i really like this post. I wish every boy could view things like you cause obviously mad boys is immature nowadays -.- .
Anonymous said…
Sarai said…
I love this post so much it's so true these boys now be playing us like real hard. They be using us for S*X like what is this. I Just wish all the boys in the world was like you. This world would be so much better. Now a days you can't trust any boys. They act like we are some piece of Sh*t from the street. NO WE GOT FEELINGS TOO. WE DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE QUEENS. SOME GIRLS HAVE BEEN PLAYED REAL BAD INCLUDING me. But like i sed i love this post so much. =)
Mariyah MInaj said…
Your so right i wish everyboy was like you in the world your so sweet and creative if only all the boys in the world would listen. half of them only wnt to date you cause u got a big butt. Love the post. your such a gentlemen
A.ortega said…
:'] sooo true man only if boys where more like you v.v we all know thats not gonna happen "/ but still it WOULD BE AWSOME.
missluvj said…
man tht touch my heart you a good guy ...<3<3<3
JRoman2188 said…
I'm very late but this is a really nice post. at first i didn't wanna read it. . i saw it was really long and i'm lazy /: so i was just gonna read the begining but then i had to keep reading 'cause it was very interesting. if only ALL boys can fell that way also. [: <3

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