
Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?

Yes, I do.  Because if a criminal does something that's insane, or just unexplainable, they have to pay the price, besides, what are they going to learn if they get 25 to life? A DEATH sentence is the right thing to do, to get that person off that the streets for ever. That's my opinion, you have to pay for what you did. theres no way out, once it's decided it's over. It's the end of your life, they have two different kind of death penalty's , one's the electric chair, which your strapped to a chair and electrocuted to death. The other on is lethal injection, which is a needle that contains salin, which s a drug that can kill you within an hour. Death penaltys are serious, what if your job was ending someones life over a crime? how would you sleep at night?


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