
Which person in history would you like to meet?

i'd like to meet martin luther king, because he made a change in how we live today, He changed Racism, he spoke his mind about how he felt about his country and the way they acted towards each other, he had enough because everybody was getting killed just because of the color of their skin, so, he wrote a speech explaining to everybody that we can all live in peace, we're all humans, so why are we treating each other like animals? we're equal, we just have different skin color, we shouldn't be fighting and killing cause of what people think, It's time to take a stand, the worlds not going to get better if we continue this. With that being said he was shot, during his speech, after that happened EVERYTHING changed, everyone started to realize what they were all fighting about, was just nothing. Thats when he made history, dead or alive, his speech changed the world.


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