
Plagiarism is a bad thing to do. it can get you in a lot of trouble, you can even go to jail. you should not commit plagiarism because it's not right. if someone works very hard on anything and you claim it, when its not even yours, its called plagiarism. how would you feel if your piece of work that you have to show so you won't flunk the class, has someone else's name on it? i know you'll be very mad. plus you wouldn't have any proof? what would your reaction be? I would be furious, and really make a big deal about it, because its MY Work, not yours. PERIOD. It doesn't belong to you so why try to take credit for work that's not yours? Maybe because you can't find any way to make up for any missing assignments? Lets just put it this way. It is not right to commit plagiarism at all. Always give credit to who ever you plagiarized. Then it wouldn't be such a big deal because you gave the person you took it from credit. You're letting people know who you got it from. You should also explain why you took it from who ever, Because even if you gave them credit, you still have to explain why you wanted to do that. Please, stop plagiarism. It's not getting you no where.

P.s, Mr Lahana do I still get credit for this, because I don't want to do the other one that certain way. Even if you give me half of the credit thanks.


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