The "N" Word.

1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much?

The N-Word came from slavery. thats why blacks get so offended. because back then, they really didnt call people just blacks.. they called them N***ers. So, every time someone say that word, various of blacks get mad. some may not but, the real point is not to say it. because some colored people were still in slavery, and there living still to this day. so if you would say the N-word in front f them, they would be very offended because the've been through racism, and slavery. it brings back flashbacks of how it was back then or them.

2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word?

NO. Why, you say? Because if a white person was to call a black person a N***er, then they would have a big problem because, it's racist. it is a word that has many pasts. back then non-black people said it the most. It is such a horrible thing to call someone. Just imagine, a non-colored person calls a colored person a "N***er" How would the colored person retaliate? with mental or physical actions? YOU decide.

3. Should musicians stop using the N-Word?

Some use it to tell us what the've been through. Others use it as in a sign of violence or a brotherhood. It still doesn't make it right to use it. A lot of people listen to rap. Not for the meaning though, just for the flow of the lyrics and the beats. Some people don't care if the word "N***er" is used, because they think it's not a big deal. While on the other hand people do. I cant say if they can or can't use it, because it will never happen. They do it for the money.

4. Do other ethnic groups (for example, Chinese, Jews, and Dominicans) use ethnic slurs like the N-Word to describe themselves? If not, Why?

Yes, "Chinks" (Chinese) "Jew" (Jews Obviously lol) "Spic" (Dominicans, Puerto Ricans) "Beaner" (Mexican)

5. What would happen if black people (and everyone else) started using “king” or “queen” instead of the N Word?

Then everyone will be comfortable because you have respect for them. You'll even feel the love. If only that was to come true then it would change a lot that has happened in over the past years. everything would be positive, never negative. the world would change, because everyone would try and make peace.


lahana said…
What a thoughtful and intelligent post. I especially liked your thoughts on using the words "king" and "queen" instead of the "n' word. For question 2, do you think it's ok for black people to call each other n##ga?

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