A Fifteen year old Puerto Rican kid Who Has a lot to say and doesn't give a PHUCK anybody's opinion ;)
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The mens Ugg butte is very Comfortable. It is made out of pure lamb fur. It is cured then died to match the color of the Butte. The color got is called "Metal" It is a very exquisite. Heres a picture to show you how it looks
Valentines day, A day were people give cards, chocolate and flowers to each other , as if they were together, It has a lot of meanings. But, should we really just treat a girl right just because a date says so? In my opinion , girls should be treated like this EVERYDAY, I mean, every girl should be treated with respect, but a lot of them don't. But on valentines day, everything changes, everyone wants to respect a girl because of a date. Does this makes any sense? To me it doesn't , every girl should be teated like a queen, no matter what the situation it is. Just because every 14th of February tells you to give a girl flowers, and chocolate, doesn't mean you can't do it daily, even if the girls your friend. show them how much of a friend you are, show them how much you appreciate them for being your friend, and that you love them, not because some day says to. I don't have a problem with This day, but it's just the society that disgust me. For example, a girl c...
1. Where does the N-Word Come from? Why does it offend some people so much? The N-Word came from slavery. thats why blacks get so offended. because back then, they really didnt call people just blacks.. they called them N***ers. So, every time someone say that word, various of blacks get mad. some may not but, the real point is not to say it. because some colored people were still in slavery, and there living still to this day. so if you would say the N-word in front f them, they would be very offended because the've been through racism, and slavery. it brings back flashbacks of how it was back then or them. 2. Should non-black people be able to use the N-Word? NO. Why, you say? Because if a white person was to call a black person a N***er, then they would have a big problem because, it's racist. it is a word that has many pasts. back then non-black people said it the most. It is such a horrible thing to call someone. Just imagine, a non-colored person calls a colored person ...
Well, Sagging is a style... I have no clue why society judge's people who sag there pants. If people like to wear there pants however they feel, then thats them. But don't go off complaining about it. I mean, is bothering you in any way? If it is then I have no other suggestion but to get over it. Whether you like it or not, it's not going to change. That's my opinion because what can the society do to stop sagging? Give people tickets? Make it a law? There's so many questions, but no answers. . I mean FACE IT, There's pretty much nothing you can do to stop the style/disrespect. What ever you critics consider it to be, so if there's a solution it better be smart. WHAT'S YOUR OPINION ON SAGGING? Comment? I would love to see feedback.