
Showing posts from January, 2012


What is your favorite thing that begins with the letter "L"? ....Life. It's the best thing you can ever have, just the feel of waking up in the morning and smelling the fresh air is the best thing you can ever experience, in my opinion, lol. But just imagine, with out life where would we be? Ha, you decide. You can see and learn new things everyday, meet new people, enjoy yourself, but they're some downfalls in life, but don't let those bring you down because thats what makes you stronger. Trust me i've been through it all, never give up, follow your dreams. and just be grateful that your even on this beautiful earth, because i'm thankful I get to live another day :) I love life so much I wouldn't trade it for anything, but my family. Cause i'd die for them. <3

Would you?

If a friend asked you to go someplace you weren't allowed to go, what would you do? REFUSE. Always, because thats being a follower, and it can get you in a lot of trouble, you can go to jail, or get injured for trespassing, you have t show your friend that your a leader, and you do the right things, and make the right choices, so if you actually do what your friends say, stop and think, if its worth it. maybe it will make your choice better and smarter. because if you do what he says, it can possibly affect your life. So, would you do what your friends says? Even if it can affect your life later on? you choose, because I know what my answer is, NO. ;D


Which person in history would you like to meet? i'd like to meet martin luther king, because he made a change in how we live today, He changed Racism, he spoke his mind about how he felt about his country and the way they acted towards each other, he had enough because everybody was getting killed just because of the color of their skin, so, he wrote a speech explaining to everybody that we can all live in peace, we're all humans, so why are we treating each other like animals? we're equal, we just have different skin color, we shouldn't be fighting and killing cause of what people think, It's time to take a stand, the worlds not going to get better if we continue this. With that being said he was shot, during his speech, after that happened EVERYTHING changed, everyone started to realize what they were all fighting about, was just nothing. Thats when he made history, dead or alive, his speech changed the world.


If you were to lose your hearing tomorrow, what would you want to hear today while you still can? My, FAMILY, because just hearing them for the last time, would keep me motivated, and i'll never give up, no matter how hard it is to not hear your loved ones, or basically anything. I love my family, and i'd choose them over anything. no matter what it is. Family always comes first.


If you could add any interesting feature to your bicycle, what would it be? It'd be Nitrous, for people who like the adrenaline rush you know what I mean? but it wouldn't be that fast, lol cause if you cant control it im not responsible for your injury or death because your the one who bought the product.

Your restaurant?

If you had your own restaurant, what would you you name it and what type of food would you serve? it'd be called "All you can eat Italia" Nothing but italian food, because it's very good and healthy. Plus all you can eat? who wouldn't want to go? and the price would be $20 flat. Chicken Parm, would always be on the menu, Veil, and Spaghetti, all different types. our dessert would be cheese cake and different pastry's our drinks would not include soda, because it feels you up too quick and I want my customers to really enjoy their food, and no be full too fast lol.

what day?

Which part of a typical day do you look forward to the most? I'd say friday, everyone does because its a day that you can have fun and when you go home, you can sleeeeep all you want that why I love it, it's a relax day to forget about stress and just chill.

Color of snow.

If you could pick a different color for snow, what color would you pick? I'd pick purple, cause just imagine a street, or a park covered in purple snow? lol, It'd be pretty awesome if you ask me, or maybe, Rainbow. Stop, I know what your thinking, what if it was to snow every color of the rainbow? every different part of the city would be a different color. that'd be cool.

What qualities do you look for when choosing your friends?

What qualities do you look for when choosing your friends? To tell you the truth, some of us really don't. We just make friends, out of the blue. We'd just be friends if you give us a cookie, and if your funny we'd like to be friends because we'd want a good laugh. There's a lot of qualities we look for in friends, but some are just hard to explain. Cause we don't know how to put it in words. But I just look for friends that are smart and funny, I also like people who I can learn things from, some of my friends have that. I look for how chill they are, or how they act in public, because the last thing you want is your friend acting like a little kid, & he's like 20 years old. But, those are just some qualities I look for in finding new friends.