Showing posts from 2010
Made In L.A 3
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If it were up to you to make the decision, would you let the sweatshop workers become legal U.S. citizens? Why or why not? I Would Because Even if There from another country they are still like us and they deserve to live like us and feed there families. Describe a moment in from parts 1, 2, or 3 of this movie that you found particularly memorable? Why? I Found Part 1 memorable Because One Of The Workers Recieved A Video from a year ago of her family that was in mexico and how they wanted her to see everyone and to see her mother who is dying. By the end of part 3, the protestors seem to be giving up hope. If you were able to speak to the group, what would you say to them to inspire them to keep going? I would say we have a chance and we have a life just like everybody on the face of this earth and we can choose to have a job that we want but we need money in order to feed our families so we can not back down we will fight till forever 21 gives up.
Where do my Sneakers Come from??
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1. What does it mean to “make a decent living”? What should you be able to afford to buy? A-Well you can buy a house and a car and thats about it... 2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them? my sneakers come from china... 2. Where do your sneakers come from? Who makes them? I think a sweatshop is a place where they make sneakers and they get paid minimum wage or less...
AC-130 Or Chopper Gunner Who will win?
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Well, as we all know Mw2 came out and ever since it came out people have been voting about The AC-130 being better than the chopper gunner or the chopper gunner is better than the AC-130 but my thought is that there both good but the Chopper Gunner has a an attached gun to it and it is unlimited and it only stays in the air for 30 seconds so as the AC-130 But it takes 2 Missile to take it down but the AC-130 needs 4 missiles to take it down cause of the flares soo witch one would you choose?
Mw2 Review:What do I what for the next Mondern Warfare?
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Well i've been playing a game that infinity ward made called CoD 4 Modern Warfare 2 here's what makes it better than other first person shooter games it has the best graphics and it has the best gunz too. 1.M4a1 2.Famas 3.Scar-h 4.Tar-21 5.Fal 6.M16a4 7.FN2000 8.AK-47 Sub machine Gunz 1.PP2000 2.g18 3.m1 Raffica 4.Tmp Hand gunz 1.Usp.45 2.Magnum 3.M9 4.Desert Eagle Light machine Gunz 1.? 2.Rpd 3.? 4.Aug Hbar 5.M240 Sniiper Riifles 1.Intervention 2.Barret 50 Cal 3.Wa2000 4.M21 Ebr
What's The Whole Point
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What's the whole point? You didn't have to do that now your family misses you cause you listen to the fakes that say they are your friends when there not. If you would have did this you would of been enjoying your life still but you were listening to other people who want to do nothing but make you hate yourself....